
Monday, June 16, 2014

I Won! the Suave Visible Glow Self-tanning body lotion

Hello my MJF followers,
Today I got in the mail that I won a free bottle of Suave professional Visible Glow self-tanning body lotion. I was so happy that I ran to my car and drove to Wal-Mart. I did not really run to my car but was really excited to get my free tanning lotion because I really need some for the summer.

So I went to Wal-Mart because they where the cheapest in price for this product. I got for fair to medium because I don't sit in sun like when I was a kid and I was very tan.
It was $6.97 with out tax then they scanned my free coupon and they said I had to pay tax which really sucks because its says free not pay tax that's not free :0(. So I paid the tax that was $.61 which means I did pay for it but only $.61.

Anyways I'm still happy I got it to try it out and did not have to pay full price for it. I'm also happy that I got to choose which skin tone because I'm really pale right now and would look really bad if I got medium to dark.
I will be testing it out and will be posting my thoughts on this product.

Have you tried this self tanning lotion?

Until next time.


  1. Hi! I received this coupon too! It just came the other day. I'm going to get the fair to medium also. So exciting for us!!

    1. That's cool you won one too.:0) It's so exciting to win and trying new products :0) yay us
