
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dollar Tree Collective Haul

Hello my MJF followers,
I have a collective Dollar Tree Haul for you. Last month I went to Dollar Tree Store and did not have a chance to post my hauls so here they are.

I got two plastic containers in my favorite colors blue and green. I use green one for my baked eyeshadows and other eyeshadows that are new and need to use.
The blue one I used to put my lip products I like to use daily.
If you want me to show you let me know.
I also got another L.A color art deco polish in Limon which I used in my squares design mani on Monday.
I also got some plackets dental flossers that really like.

In my other trip to Dollar Tree I got these cute mustache clips which I saw on youtube that someone hauled and recently I went back to Dollar Tree they got more in so if you see them get some they work really good.
I git a cell phone case for my phone because it look just like the ones I bought on Amazon and really liked but they broke so I might use the outer cover and use the other rubber I have in a different color.
I need a usb car charger for my tablet so went I saw this neon green one. I had to have it.
I got two silicone watches in neon yellowish green and blue which is really cute.
The last thing I got was an elf super glossy lip shine spf 15 in Party Peach.

I'm really have what I found at Dollar Tree.
 If you go to Dollar Tree and see something that you think I might like let me know.

Until next time.

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